Tuesday, May 20, 2008

it's been forever!

Hey Sweet Sweet Bubbies!

I'm so sorry I haven't kept up with this thing! I wanted to write you a letter every month so bad and I've totally slacked! We still haven't gotten you in for your 18 month check up...yes, you are now 19 months. I know, I know, Daddy and I are both slackers! I'm anxious to see how much you weigh and how tall you are. You will be getting tubes in your ears in June so hopefully those ear infections will stop coming back! I just can't believe though how good you are even when you have an ear infection! I'm so thankful that you don't seem to be in pain when you get one! You are starting to talk more and more. We still can't understand most of everything you say, but you're telling big stories. You have amazingly learned sign language! We had no idea that you had picked up what a few kids in daycare had been doing until Dada finally looked something up online. You sign more while saying "more" and then follow it by a sweet little rub on your belly and say "peeese". You can also sign thank you and while doing it you say something that sounds like "thank you" but I'm not sure how to type it out on here.

You LOVE books! One day when Daddy had to go pick you up from school because you were sick, from 11 to 1, you and Dada had rea
d 22 books! WOW! You are now starting to take the books and open them up and ramble on like you're reading them. It's very very cute!

You a
lso LOVE to dance! We ask you if you want to have a Dance Party, you say yes, and then we turn on the TV to the dance music channel and you dance, dance, dance!

I know you don't understand yet, but you're going to be a big brother
! We have been pointing to my tummy and saying "baby". You now point to any child...even if they're older than you and say "baby". You came with us to our sonogram on May 16th to find out if you were going to have a little brother or a little sister. And guess what!?! You're going to have a little brother, Isaac! We will call him Ike for short. We taught you to say "Ike" and you say it very clearly. The other night I asked you if you could give Ike a kiss and you kissed my tummy! Oh Gabe, it melted my heart! You are so so SO sweet! You already have such a big and caring heart! You're going to be an amazing big brother! Daddy told me that one day when he was dropping you off at daycare, one little boy was crying because his mommy was leaving him. She was holding him on the floor and you walked over, squatted down, cocked your head to the side and patted his back! You are such a sweet boy!

We went to the zoo last weekend with Becca, Travis and Curran. You loved it! You did so well all day! No fussing at all! When we got home, you and I took a 3 hour nap! :o)

I love you so much Gabe! Mama

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