Sweet Blue Eyed Baby Boy,
I can’t believe how quick you have grown! You are almost 7 months old! It seems like you were just in 3-6 month clothes and now you’re wearing 6-12 months!!! For your six month check up, you weighed 19.12 and were 27.5 inches long! You are in the 83% for both weight and height! You sit up all by yourself and it wouldn’t surprise me if you pull-up before you crawl. Every time we put you on your tummy, you roll over...little bugger! :o) You love gibber jabbering. Daddy says that’s what you do ALL day long! You say “Aaaaaaah” when you see Ali, “Baba” when you see Daddy and you have said “MaMa” when you see me. It’s soooooo sweet! Daddy and I are pretty sure “Ali” is going to be your first word. You love her so much and stop everything you’re doing...including eating...to see what she’s doing.

Mother’s Day is coming up. I just can’t even tell you how thankful I am to have you! You have been an amazing little baby and I love you with all my heart! I can’t even imagine life with out you! You bring such joy to Daddy and I. I’m pretty sure Ali loves you as much as you love her too! :o)
I really wish I could be at home with you during the day and I must say that getting home to see you is my main priority. The sweet smile I get from you when I walk in the door is breathtaking! You reach out for me and I don’t think I can give you enough kisses! It actually makes working not as bad. I’m so happy that you are getting to spend the days with Daddy. I know he loves being with you. You two are going to be buddies forever! I’m thankful that he has gotten the chance to be so close to you!
Well Bubbas, I need to get busy!
I love you!
He is so sweet, I could come through the computer to hug him. He has really changed since I saw him just a month ago.
Wow, he is such a good mix of both of you. Congrats on the full night sleep thing, isn't it great. Hey, can we use your pack n' play when we fly out? One less thing to pack. Talk to you soon
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